[Editor: The instability in the world’s labour market has affected all levels. The new year is expected to see a significant increase in the re-positioning of executives and senior managers, by choice or otherwise. At Cornerstone Ukraine, Anna Nesterchuk and her team have developed a niche expertise in individual coaching and career consultation for executives. She shares some of their findings here.]
A significant feature of a job search for executives is the period of search and negotiations. As a rule, this is a long process, always including several stages of interviews. If it is an international company with headquarters in another country, it can be even longer. The process can take from several months to a year and more.
Accordingly, if an executive understands that the current contract is coming to an end, it is better to start preparing for new opportunities in advance. That would include being visible to the companies and projects you are interested in.

How would you do that? Let’s walk through the main methods:
- Constantly work on your own brand. Establish an active social position: participate in conferences as a speaker, in webinars, social projects and activities. It is important to do this regularly. You become visible, and Executive Search companies find you faster and start working with you.
- Networking. It is important not only to be visible but to create connections. Attend conferences and seminars, be member of specialized associations. Meet with the leaders of interesting projects.
- Take care of your professional reputation. It must be impeccable.
- Build relationships with recruiting companies. You can make a list of leading Executive Search companies and send your CV. Meet, write to them directly, declare yourself and your intentions.
- Reach out to leaders of those organizations that are interesting to you as potential employers. This way you can get into the competition for a job that the market may not yet know about.
- Monitor the entry of new players into the market of your country
- Have a good profile on LinkedIn and develop it. The profile must be well presented, but it is important also to be active in expanding your network of contacts. Good posts and interesting comments will always bring the right attention to your profile.
- Have a polished CV close at hand. Don’t overload the resume but give the following information: what industries did/do you work in, how large a company, your role and area of responsibility, how many subordinates, what tasks did you resolve. Education is mandatory as is presenting important competencies such as knowledge of languages, specific advanced knowledge and experience.
- Use specialized resources for top managers to host your profile. A good example is the global career service BlueSteps operated by the Association of Executive Search and Development Consultants (AESC).
A successful job search for executives, and for you to appear favorably in searches by others, it is necessary to have your own clear strategy for moving ahead.
It is also always desirable to have your own career coach, with whom you can discuss any issues about your professional opportunities.
For more information on preparing for your next move, contact the author at anna-nesterchuk@cornerstone-group.com
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